4 Words That Are Secretly Killing Your Sales… and What To Say Instead

4 Words That Are Secretly Killing Your Sales… and What To Say Instead Petra Foster

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4 Words That Are Secretly Killing Your Sales… and What To Say Instead

Picture this.


You’re a business coach and you’ve just had a great call with an entrepreneur that you know you can help triple their business . You know they are interested in your coaching services, so you make your pitch and it goes a little something like this:

“Sara, buying my coaching service at this price is a steal of deal. And with only a 10% down payment, your monthly payments would be something you can easily handle. If you’re ready all we have to do next is take a look at the contract and get started. What do you say?”

Can you see anything wrong with that pitch?

If you think this sounds like a perfectly good pitch then read on because you may be killing your sales and don’t even know it.

If you’ve been in sales for any length of time, you know it is more of an art than a science.

Sure, there are scientifically proven psychological triggers that we can use to move a sales call in the direction we want: towards a sale.

But at the end of the day a master salesperson is more like Picasso than Einstein.

And just like the great painters used oil, brushes and canvas to craft their masterpieces… master salespeople use words and sentences to craft a winning sales pitch.  Words that can have either a positive effect or a negative effect on their prospect.

In fact, a person can be right on the edge of saying yes to you, but then you say something that has a negative effect on them and this ends your chances of making a sale almost immediately.

Most times, what you say can be as simple as one single word that kills the sale.

That’s why I’ve put together this list of words that you don’t even know are killing your sales and what you can use instead to make sure you close the sale.

1:The first word you never want to say to them when you are discussing how much your service is, is the words cost or price.

Why is that?

Because people’s first reaction when they hear those words is either the cost is too high OR we need to shop around for a better price.
Cost or price is a trigger word and it immediately triggers a defensive reaction.
What you should say instead is the total amount or total investment… particularly if the service you are offering brings them significant returns e.g. a business coach that guarantees a 10X return on the investment into their coaching program.

Or when talking about a down payment, instead you can talk about the initial amount or initial investment.  

Similarly, monthly payments takes your prospect back to their kitchen table where every month they sit and try to figure out if they have enough money to pay the bills. So instead of using monthly payments, you talk about the monthly investment or monthly amount.

2:The next word you want to avoid is contract.

Contract is another trigger word that immediately gets people thinking about lawyers and the fear of being taken advantage of thanks to some legal technicality.

So how do you get around this? You say you want to go over the paperwork or the agreement.

It gives the conversation an entirely different feeling and does not introduce the fear that “contract” would.

3:Another word that you want to avoid, and it’s such a small word that you might overlook it, is buy.

Now of course, you want them to buy but your prospect doesn’t want to buy. What they really want to do is own.

For example, a real estate agent can say, “When you buy this house”, or they can say “When you own this house”. Both statements mean the same thing but deliver two very different reactions in your prospect.

Buy gets them thinking about the money for the down payment, the paperwork to get the mortgage and the monthly payments. But own gets them imagining what life would be like in their new home. Seeing their kids running around in the yard, curling up by the fire reading their favorite books and lazy Sunday mornings making pancakes.

All of that from using one little 3 letter word instead of another.

4:The last word I want you to stay away from is deal.

 This may not sound like such a bad word, especially if you believe you are offering your prospect a great deal.

 But the word deal tends to have negative connotations attached to it.

 People remember how they got into a deal everyone said was great… but it ended up being a bad deal and they lost all their savings.

 Instead of using deal you can use opportunity.

 So taking a look at our pitch from above, can you see how many times you would have introduced fear into your prospect’s mind and make them second guess about buying?

 Let’s substitute the words we want to avoid with the words I mentioned and see what the pitch looks like now:

 “Mr. Jones, investing in my coaching service at this total amount is a great opportunity. And with only a 10% initial amount, your monthly amounts would be something you can easily handle. If you’re ready all we have to do next is take a look at the agreement and get started. What do you say?”

 I’m sure you can agree that this pitch has a different feel about it… it’s more likely to get a yes from your prospect vs the first pitch.

 So for your next sales call I want you to really think about the words that you’re using.

 Are they words that will make your prospect say yes or will they introduce fear into their mind and make them say no?

 If you want to make more sales and make them easier then claim your seat on the FREE masterclass The 4 Step Formula To Turn Sales Calls Into Paying Clients Even If You Hate Selling

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