What Are The 3 Distinct Purposes Of Branding?

What are the 3 distinct purposes of branding?

We often hear about branding, whether it’s about branding yourself, your products or your services. Branding can be applied personally and is the way that a person builds their reputation, or digitally, via web, search engine optimisation or social media.
There are so many different definitions of what branding is, but in this case I’ll use this definition. Branding is ultimately the strategic and disciplined process of building awareness and creating customer loyalty. Branding is about making sure that your brand is visible at every opportunity and expressing why your chosen market should choose your brand over another. As entrepreneurs there should be an innate desire to lead and outpace the competition. As we know ‘victory belongs to the most persevering’ (Napoleon Bonaparte).

[tweetthis]There are 3 distinct purposes of branding, I’ll show you how to leverage it & get maximum results.[/tweetthis]

1. Identification: Who are you? Who needs you? Why should they care?

With a myriad of brands selling either the same or similar products or services, what makes a particular market make that choice to choose you? Think about when you walk down an aisle in the supermarket. How do you quickly decide which can of beans to buy? You decide by the communication style, the logo and the colours. Not only will visual styling help you to navigate your way through the aisles and grab your attention, there is also a psychological process that, as consumers, we all go through and subconsciously encourages us to buy. Consumers identify with the brand in a meaningful way, by connecting to a set of values that the brands communicate and the consumer also holds.

2. Confidence:

[tweetthis]Brands communicate their value and the quality of their product and services.[/tweetthis]

This confidence is created by effectively communicating their brand promise, giving the customer confidence that they have made the right choice. Think of your brand as a promise… a promise you make to your customers and all other touch points. Before you make that promise, it is imperative that you are able to back it up. You cannot build a successful, long-term brand on promises that you can’t support.

3. Community:

Whether done deliberately or not segmentation occurs, bringing together a passionate community of fans who engage and relate to your brand and become your best brand advocates. They will talk about you, and have that brand love that happens on and offline. It will come in the form of referrals, likes, retweets and favourites. Your best opportunity to build a brand community is by giving back or providing value to the people.

Remember that your brand doesn’t live in a vacuum. Begin to create a narrative for your brand. Be clear about what your values are and strategically position your brand in the marketplace and you will begin to see organic growth of your brand and leverage, Identification, Confidence and Community to build brand influence and customer loyalty.

Now that you are fully aware of the purpose of branding and how it will dramatically elevate your business, join me on a brand discovery, schedule here today

Petra Foster Branding Consultancy in Birmingham UK


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